3DE was developed through a shared vision from leaders in education, business and Junior Achievement. This collective of passionate and innovative individuals united around the belief that equitable access to high quality education is the lever to economic mobility. With 90 percent of students in public schools, the focus was to develop public-private partnerships to systemically re-engineer education to better reflect the real world and prepare students for life beyond the classroom walls.
A joint venture between Fulton County Schools, JA of Georgia and the broader Atlanta community led to the pilot of a new school model. Launched in 2015 at Banneker High School, the model quickly demonstrated the ability to drive student engagement and academic performance. Within four years the model expanded to six schools in four districts, each serving a range of academic levels and backgrounds. Every school demonstrated a similar path to transformation: it began with shifts in culture and engagement, which year-over-year resulted in measurable gains in students’ knowledge, skills and aspirations. All of this building towards students graduating with a vision for their future, confidence in their abilities, and a path to achievement.
The uniqueness of the model quickly captured the attention of leaders in education, civic and corporate sectors. Recognizing the profound potential of our students and the long-term socio-economic health of our country, Junior Achievement USA made two pivotal decisions in the summer of 2018. The first was to develop a new brand that properly reflected the core elements driving systemic transformation of our schools and students. Second, they created a new national organization to allow the model to scale with fidelity. This work led to the advent of what is now known as 3DE.